Both sides on Delaware River National Park plan dig in
In the year since the plan was first proposed, opponents have galvanized while advances have been slow
Note: Since the time this article was published, Representative Josh Gottheimer has issued a statement clarifying his position about the...
Reporter’s notebook: What goes on at a DRBC meeting
“So, what is the DRBC all about?” Delaware Gov. John Carney asked in his welcoming address to this, the first...
Teamwork saves a stream in the Upper Delaware – and more
There were several “stars” of the show on the banks of the Little Beaver Kill in Livingston Manor, N.Y., on...
Lackawaxen Basin earns top scores for water quality
Pristine conditions and lack of industry combine to keep it clean
Editor’s note: This is the latest in a series of stories exploring water quality in the nine basins in Pennsylvania...
Wild celery grass restoration underway in the Delaware Estuary
The plant is both an indicator of water quality and an improver of it
In a small classroom at the Center for Aquatic Sciences at Adventure Aquarium in Camden, N.J., the early stages of...
Upper Delaware basin is cursed and blessed
Pristine streams are a plus but draw little notice from Pa. officials
Editor’s note: This is the latest in a series of stories exploring water quality in the nine basins in Pennsylvania...
Monthslong closure of major NYC aqueduct delayed a year
This story was originally posted on The Washington Post. A long-planned temporary shutdown of a leaking aqueduct that supplies about...
New tool comes to the Delaware watershed to analyze plastics pollution
A pilot program introduces a device called Seabin
In the fight against plastics in waterways comes a garbage collector that takes no lunch or coffee breaks – no...
A bottomless problem: acid mine drainage in the Schuylkill Basin
Innovative solutions and funding sought to improve water quality
Editor’s note: This is the latest in a series of stories exploring water quality in the nine basins in Pennsylvania...
$588 million to improve water in New Jersey
$83 million for projects in the Delaware River watershed
Hardly a day goes by when we don’t read of a host of problems with our water-supply system from lead pipes...
Acid rain harming Middle Delaware-Musconetcong basin
Report cites mercury in Bushkill Creek fish
Editor’s note: This is the latest in a series of stories exploring water quality in the nine basins in Pennsylvania...
Urban BoatWorks brings Camden youth to the river
Students learn basic carpentry, life skills and mentorship — and connect to waterways in their own backyard
On a recent Monday afternoon in Camden, N.J., a group of seventh-graders gathered around a 16-foot boat placed upside down...