Fracking and Pipelines
Last-minute special permit renewal sought for Gibbstown project
The company behind a controversial plan to export liquified natural gas from Pennsylvania to a New Jersey port on the...
Is this the beginning of the end for Gibbstown LNG project?
Breaking news: Since the time of publication of this story, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration confirmed that it...
Environmental watchdogs wary of “zombie” pipeline projects
Just when you think a project is dead "they come back and eat your brains," an activist said.
You might have heard the whoop of joy from environmentalists all over the Delaware River watershed on Monday, Sept. 27,...
Mariner East 2 Pipeline charged in water contamination leaks
The developer of the Mariner East 2 Pipeline faces dozens of counts of violations of Pennsylvania environmental laws related to contaminating waterways.
Rosemary Fuller of Delaware County, Pa., never had a problem with the well water at her house until construction began...
PennEast project canceled
Quietly and without fanfare, PennEast Pipeline Co. LLC announced on Monday, Sept. 27, 2021 that it was abandoning its seven-year...
PennEast Pipeline pauses land acquisitions in Pennsylvania
The proposed PennEast Pipeline announced an abrupt halt to legal proceedings to secure needed property easements for its 118-mile Pennsylvania-to-New...
New obstacles loom large for Wyalusing-Gibbstown LNG project
A contentious plan to export liquified natural gas from a Delaware River port faces new political, economic and environmental headwinds...
U.S. Supreme Court Rules in Favor of PennEast Pipeline’s Use of Eminent Domain
The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled that a company behind a proposed Pennsylvania-to-New Jersey natural gas pipeline has the...
Federal judge dismisses fracking lawsuit brought by 2 Pa. state lawmakers
A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought by two Pennsylvania Republican state lawmakers against the Delaware River Basin Commission...
Gibbstown LNG Dock 1 got Coast Guard’s “Letter of Recommendation”
Letter dated Dec. 18, 2019
By Chris Mele Hazardous materials regularly roll through Northeastern Pennsylvania communities by rail and road and it's left to local...
First Responders: Prepared for LNG Emergencies? The Evidence Is Not Reassuring
Hazardous materials regularly roll through Northeastern Pennsylvania communities by rail and road and it's left to local first responders to...
LNG From Pennsylvania to New Jersey: 400 Tanker Trucks a Day
A plan to bring liquified natural gas from Wyalusing, Pa., to a port in Gibbstown, N.J., has focused largely on...
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